
I have yet to get to the 10 stadiums part of this WOD though...whew...

The last one, Prowler Push/Pull is to be done 20x :)

Barbell Complex (5x)
5 Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks
5 Rows
200 yd run

50 MB Slams
50 KB Swings
50 Sit ups
50 HR PU(hand raise push up)
50 Wall balls

Tabata Abs
8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes
Forearm plank – hold for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Forearm plank – hold for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Bicycle crunches – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Side plank – L side – hold for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Side plank – R side – hold for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Bicycle crunches – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Forearm plank – hold for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Forearm plank – hold for 20 seconds
Cash Out: 30 seconds boat pose
Tabata Booty
8 sets of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes
Air squats – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)

Air squats – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Pistol Squats – R leg – continuous for 20 seconds (you can modify by using a chair for balance)
(rest 10 seconds)
Pistol Squats – L leg – continuous for 20 seconds (you can modify here too)
(rest 10 seconds)
Donkey kicks – R leg – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Donkey kicks – L leg – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Air squats – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Air squats – continuous for 20 seconds
(rest 10 seconds)
Cashout: 60 second forearm plank hold (hey, planks work your booty too!)

10 Jump Shrugs x2
10 Med Ball Slams x2
20 Platform Quicks x2
20 Lateral Hurdle Jumps(can sub line jumps) x2
200 Abs of choice (we incorp these between the prev exercises)
5x5 Squats
4x8 RDLs
5x5 Band Bench(we do dumbbell bench as a sub)
2x10 Rotator Cuff work (done with bands)
3x12 barbell lunges(walking lunges..6 ea side)
3x30 Med Ball Russian Twists
2x Kroc Rows(heavy) to failure
Stadium Runs- 4 sprints to top, walk down

WOD from
5 rounds:

200m run
15 burpees
15 plank jacks
15 hand release push ups
15 squat knee tucks

Battle Rope Workout (10 minutes)

100 Double
50ea Alternate
25ea Single
25ea Toss Side
50 Battle Jacks
15 Slams


Cardio: 2x

100 Jump Rope
50 Mountain Climb
10 ea 1/2 Turkish Get-Up (we sub'd 5 ea full Turkish Get-up)
50 Ski lunges (not sure of the real name for these...)

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